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Message Declaration

While you can declare your messages using only ids, we highly recommend declaring defaultMessages inline along with their usages because of the following reasons:

  1. Messages colocated with their usages become self-managed, as their usages change/removed, so are the messages.
  2. Messages are highly contextual. We've seen a lot of cases where developers assume a certain grammar when they write their messages. Buttons/Call-To-Actions and labels are also translated differently.
  3. Text styling is also dependent on the message itself. Things like truncation, capitalization... certainly affect the messages themselves.
  4. Better integrations with toolchains. Most toolchains cannot verify cross-file references to validate syntax/usage.

At a high level, formatjs messages use ICU Syntax with a couple of enhancements common in other message format such as Fluent. This section focuses on the actual supported ways of calling formatjs APIs so messages can be extracted.

Using imperative API intl.formatMessage

// Method must be exactly `intl.formatMessage`
description: 'A message', // Description should be a string literal
defaultMessage: 'My name is {name}', // Message should be a string literal
name: userName,
} // Values should be an object literal, but not necessarily every value inside

Using React API <FormattedMessage/>

import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl'
description="A message" // Description should be a string literal
defaultMessage="My name is {name}" // Message should be a string literal
name: userName,
} // Values should be an object literal, but not necessarily every value inside

Using Vue API & template methods such as $formatMessage

<p>{{ $formatNumber(3, {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'}) }}</p>
import {defineMessage} from 'react-intl'
const message = defineMessage({
description: 'A message', // Description should be a string literal
defaultMessage: 'My name is {name}', // Message should be a string literal

intl.formatMessage(message, {name: 'John'}) // My name is John

name: 'John',
/> // My name is John

We rely on AST to extract messages from the codebase, so make sure you call intl.formatMessage(), use our builtin React components, use our Vue methods or configure --additionalFunctionNames/--additionalComponentNames in our CLI properly.


You can declare a message without immediately formatting it with defineMessage and our extractor would still be able to extract it. However, our enforce-placeholders linter rule won't be able to analyze it.